Learning From Evaluation: The Relevance Of An Evaluation Strategy To The Voluntary Adoption Of E-Initiatives

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding (ISBN)peer-review


This paper argues that the implementation evaluation of the UK policy introducing e-voting was a missed opportunity to gather information to better inform policy revisions. Using a heuristic framework to identify stages in the policy process, the final evaluation stage was recognised as useful to inform policy revisions. However, the evaluation did not ask potential adopters their reasons for non-participation in the pilot program introducing e-voting, so failed to establish policy adoption blocking mechanisms. The discussion relates the introduction of the new voting methods to the UK drive for greater political participation. It identifies variables influencing e-voting participation in the pilot program of 2003 and tested in the pilots of 2007. The results demonstrate that information is available to provide an insight into reasons for non-participation in such e-initiatives. However, evaluative strategies are sometimes so limited in scope that this source of information is not acknowledged. The Conclusion draws on the variables to suggest broad spectrum lessons which may furnish revised policy modifications to address innovation adoption blocking mechanisms.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNot Known
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2013
EventProceedings of the International Conference e-Society 2013 (IADIS) - Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 13 Mar 201316 Mar 2013


ConferenceProceedings of the International Conference e-Society 2013 (IADIS)


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