Knowing and doing children’s rights: How do rights agendas become entangled and embodied in higher education pedagogy and curriculum?

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


In this workshop we narrate how children’s rights shape, produce and trouble higher education pedagogy and curriculum as tutors, researchers and postgraduate students. According to international treaties, children are viewed as citizens with rights (OHCHR, 1989). Yet, the rights of children can be marginalised, tokenistic and sometimes absent. For student teachers, they can find rights agendas have little reach in contemporary classrooms. Here, we foreground knowledge of child rights as a matter of social and educational justice. These influences will be viewed through multiples lenses, such as how child rights shape scholarship, pedagogy and professional practice. First, the tutors outline how rights agendas entangle with their academic identity through putting theory to work in research praxis and research network activity. Second, students describe how finding rights narratives become embodied and what connections and disjunctions surface between theory and practice. By illuminating how the marginalisation of rights agendas are resisted, we turn to notice what such subversions do. The workshop will be creative in nature, and welcome participants to reflect on their own embodiments of child rights agendas through practical activities. In sharing and telling personalised stories, we ponder the affectivities of resistance practices that create the potential for rights agendas to flourish. With different lenses, we offer ideas for future higher education policy, research and practice based on lived and sensed experiences. From there, we offer future provocations for the critical place of rights in educational agendas that can foreground the view of a child as a competent and participatory member of society.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2024
EventACRE 2024: The Purpose, Politics, and prospects of higher education: Annual Conference for Research in Education 2024 - Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Jun 202428 Jun 2024


ConferenceACRE 2024: The Purpose, Politics, and prospects of higher education
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

Research Groups

  • Children's Rights and Wellbeing Research Network


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