Kinesiology tape mediates soccer simulated and local peroneal fatigue in soccer players

Claire Farquharson, Matt Greig

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To investigate the efficacy of kinesiology taping in mediating the influence of fatigue on ankle sprain risk, twelve male soccer players completed single leg dynamic balance trials pre- and post-exercise (soccer-specific protocol, isokinetic ankle inversion/eversion protocol) in each of three counter-balanced taping conditions (no tape, zinc oxide tape ZO, kinesiology tape KT). Balance was quantified as the overall stability index (OSI) and directional stability indices of platform deflection. Soccer-specific fatigue only increased OSI in the no tape condition (P = 0.03), with ZO and KT trials negating a fatigue affect. Localised fatigue increased OSI in the no tape (P = 0.01) and ZO (P = 0.05) trials, with no increase in the KT trial. A similar pattern was observed in medio-lateral and anterio-posterior balance indices. Kinesiology tape mediates soccer simulated and local peroneal fatigue, with practical implications for epidemiological observations of increased injury risk during the latter stages of match-play.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)313-321
JournalResearch in Sports Medicine: An International Journal
Issue number3
Early online date12 Apr 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Apr 2017


  • Taping techniques
  • fatigue
  • balance
  • soccer


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