IoTs (InternetofThings)and DfPL (Device-freePassive Localisation)inadisaster management scenario

Gabriel Deak, Kevin Curran, Joan Condell, Eleana Asimakopoulou, Nik Bessis

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This paper presents anoverview ofthe pot ential obstacles and challenges related toresearch topics such asIoT,DfPL WSNs (WirelessSensor Networks)inIoT and disaster management using WSNs.This review will analyse key aspects ofdeploying aDfPL WSN inIoT scenario for disaster management. In an IoT scenario the DfPL WSN isonly collecting raw data that isforwarded tothe Inter- net using aCompressed Sensing (CS)IoT framework orother solutions including data com- pression.Compressed Sensing (CS)refers toamethod used toreduce the number ofsamples collected inanIoT WSN.Thus itispossible tocreate stand-alone app lications that require fewer resources.There isnoneed toprocess the data inthe WSN asthis can bedone inthe Data Analysis Network,after the data isreconstructed.This will enable areduced volume ofdata transmitted and lower power consumption for battery-operated nodes. The detection of people inadisaster scenario who are simply moving and not inthe pos- session ofa‘tracking device’isrevolutionary.The aim here istobuild upon our patent- pended technology inorder todeliver arobust field-trialready human detection system for disaster situations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)86-96
JournalSimulation Modelling Practice and Theory
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2013


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