International Confederation of Midwives 32nd ICM Virtual Triennial Congress - Abstract Book: ICMBALI-0046 - Negation in the childbearing continuum: an in-depth exploration of women’s narratives

JANE ROONEY, Valerie Fleming, Clare Maxwell, Moira Lewitt

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

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Negation can be used to describe the deliberate concealment, or unconscious denial (being unaware), of the childbearing
continuum throughout pregnancy, labour, birth and the postnatal period. This lack of engagement with, and access of midwifery
and maternity services, may put the women, baby and family at risk of increased morbidity and mortality, and poorer short and long
term health outcomes. Research in this area is limited, mainly to quantitative evidence, with little exploration of women’s narratives
and an overall poor understanding of the subject.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2021
Event32nd ICM Virtual Triennial Congress June 2021 -
Duration: 2 Jun 20212 Jun 2021


Conference32nd ICM Virtual Triennial Congress June 2021


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