‘”I hadn’t realised that whilst the babies and toddlers are sleeping, the other children can’t get to the books!” The complexities of ‘access’ to early reading resources for under-threes’.

Karen Boardman, Rachael Levy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

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This paper outlines the findings of an empirical research study exploring how Early Years Educators (EYEs) support under-threes with their early reading development in England. The data were collected through a mixed methodological approach of an initial survey, five semi-structured interviews and four reflective Zines to explore the experiences of EYEs working with under-threes. The findings highlight that there are significant implications for babies and toddlers, linked to a distinct lack of agency and access to pictures, books and other early reading resources, instigated by the conventional daily routines provided in these early years settings. This paper argues for some fundamental ‘reconsidering’ of the value of early reading for under-threes, given that access, or indeed the lack of access is a key finding of this study.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-15
JournalEarly Years: An International Research Journal
Early online date17 Apr 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Early reading
  • babies and toddlers
  • books
  • access
  • agency


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