How well are graduates prepared for practice when measured against the latest recommendations of the General Medical Council?

J. Brown, S. Watmough, M. Cherry, R. Fewtrell, D. Graham, H. O'Sullivan, N J Shaw

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    Background: This paper investigates the views of University of Liverpool graduate foundation doctors and their consultants on their preparedness to undertake skills and competencies expected of new doctors in relation to the latest GMC recommendations. (GMC, 2007) Summary of Work: One line questionnaires were distributed in Decemeber 2008 to all 1217 consultants and all 400 Liverpool graduate foundation doctors across the Mersey Deanery region. Summary of Results: Ninety-one (45.5%, n= 200) F1 doctors 95 (47.5%, n=200) F2 doctors and 345 consultants (28.3%, n = 1217) responded. The vast majority of junior doctors and consultants generally rated the competencies listed on the questionnaire at midpoint (generally quite well prepared) and above. They were seen as being well prepared to work as F1 doctors and had good clinical skills but there were repeated criticisms of basic scientific knowledge due to PBL in the Liverpool curriculum. Conclusions: Preparedness was largely attributed to final exams at the end of 4th allowing students to "shadow" junior doctors in final year and compulsory clinical and communication skills modules whilst PBL can create uncertainty over science knowledge acquisition. Take-home messages: Liverpool graduates are seen as being generally well prepared to work as junior doctors and perform the skills required by the GMC despite concerns over basic science knowledge.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    EventAssociation for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference - Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow, United Kingdom
    Duration: 4 Sept 20108 Sept 2010


    ConferenceAssociation for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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