How does digitalisation impact social healthcare sustainability?


Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding (ISBN)


Purpose – Given the level of environmental pollution caused by the social healthcare sector, this study aims to investigate the impact of digitalisation on (Triple Bottom Line (TBL)) sustainability in the sector. The sector is faced with major challenges which threaten long-term viability, so firms are usually driven by economic sustainability. However, the study examined how digitalisation could affect social and environmental components along with the economic component of sustainability for competitive advantage.

Methodology/approach – The investigation of an under-researched context necessitated an exploratory study. Therefore, a qualitative methodology was employed through in-depth interviews in a SME social healthcare provider. Through in-depth interviews guided by semi-structured questions, the study examined the impact of digitalisation on sustainability in the social healthcare. An interpretive process of analysing the findings included first- and second-order codes from participant responses to generate insights.

Findings – The categorisation of the interview findings revealed two main theoretical dimensions in the study, namely sustainability and digitalisation which formed the data structures. Though sustainability was not the SME’s primary motivation for embracing digitalisation, the outcome of digitalisation directly impacted sustainability. This demonstrates the link between the two theoretical dimensions while validating the TBL.
Digitalisation did not only improve and advance the business processes (economic sustainability), but it achieved environment and social perspectives of the TBL by cutting staff travels, use of paper record while optimising care operations. The impact of digitalisation on sustainability affected all three components of the TBL in social healthcare sector. The study demonstrates argue that environmental stewardship and social equity are critical components that must be achieved alongside economic viability to achieve sustainability advantage.

Originality/value – This study contributes to the understanding of healthcare digitalisation and sustainability by advancing the theorisation of these concepts while employing the Absorptive Capacity theory. Thus, it has generated insights on the impact of digitalisation on organisational sustainability to further the knowledge base of digitalisation and sustainability in the social healthcare sector. This study contributes to the incipient areas focussing on the convergence of the two phenomena to achieve sustainability advantage. Notably, it makes a unique contribution through a practical application of the TBL sustainability framework to assess social healthcare sustainability and argues the need for a holistic perspective to sustainability, beyond the economic focus adopted by many firms.

Keywords: Social healthcare, sustainability, digitalisation, absorption theory, Triple Bottom Line.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBritish Academy of Management 2023 Conference
Subtitle of host publicationBAM2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Social healthcare, sustainability, absorption theory,
  • Triple Bottom Line
  • digitalisation


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