Harnessing Technology to Enhance the Learner Journey – A PCET Teacher Trainee Perspective

Steve Ingle, Vicky Duckworth

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The paper will present an overview of one approach designed to integrate the use of technology to enhance the learner experience of initial teacher trainees on a one year PGCE programme. The paper will discuss the rationale for change, the interventions made and impact observed. Following evaluation feedback from post-compulsory education and training (PCET) PGCE initial teacher trainees and supported by themes drawn from Personal Tutor and Professional Mentor comments, a development opportunity was identified to focus on the enhancement of trainees’ confidence and skills in the use of emerging technologies – a clear requirement of the LLUK Professional Standards for Teachers, Tutors and Trainers in the Lifelong Learning Sector (BP2.1, BP5.1, CP3.5, EP1.2). A review of the existing PCET ‘learner journey’ explored areas of the PCET programme that could be further enhanced with technology in a bid to raise confidence levels, to expand trainees ‘toolkit’ of teaching, learning and assessment strategies and to improve the holistic support available throughout their entire learner journey on programme. This session aims to provide a brief outline of the package of interventions that were developed and woven into the existing learner experience, including: software for initial core skills screening and target setting; personal and professional ICT skills development for use in teaching sessions; the use of online webfolios for managing and presenting assessment evidence and the introduction of integrated information data system for the tracking of learning progress and achievement. The presentation also discusses initial feedback from trainees through focus groups and module evaluations, further endorsed by empirical evidence of application as observed by Personal Tutor and Professional Mentor feedback, arising from formal lesson observations. Positive impacts on trainee confidence in the use of technology and implications for their practice are presented, along with areas for future development and considerations for fellow teacher educators. The paper provides a discussion on interventions to practice that could be adopted by teacher educators in a bid to enhance the student experience. Pre-entry and on-programme initiatives are outlined which may be of interest for those looking to develop a more creative and effective approach to their teaching.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2012
EventTeacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Conference - Birmingham, United Kingdom
Duration: 18 May 2012 → …


ConferenceTeacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Period18/05/12 → …


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