Glee and Glum

Billy Cowan

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Youth Theatre play for M6 Theatre Company. Precious is thinking of running away because she s not happy. Michelle wants to be with Stuart because it makes her happy and Henry just wants to be Blackadder. Should the right to pursue one s happiness be on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Class 5P thinks it should. So, when their citizenship teacher sets them an experiment to do whatever makes them happy for a week, they all jump at the chance. But will anyone be happy by the end of the week? Glee & Glum is a funny yet touching play about individual happiness and the price one might have to pay for pursuing that happiness.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationPortsmouth
    PublisherPlaydead Press Ltd
    Number of pages99
    ISBN (Print)978-0957607712
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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