General Practitioner Educators on Clinical Debrief: A Qualitative Investigation into the Experience of Teaching Third-Year Medical Students to Care

Georgia F. Evans*, Joanna Brooks, Lisa Collins, Rebecca Farrington, Adam Danquah

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1 Citation (Scopus)
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Phenomenon: There is a paucity of research reporting the experiences of general practitioner clinical educators. Providing education for students could lead to better clinical skills and greater job satisfaction for the educator. However, it could also result in increased stress and mental fatigue, adding to what is an already pressured situation in the current primary care climate. Clinical Debrief is a model of case-based learning with integrated supervision developed to prepare medical students for clinical practice. This study aimed to explore the experiences of general practitioners who facilitate Clinical Debrief. Approach: Eight general practitioner educators with experience of facilitating Clinical Debrief participated in semi-structured qualitative interviews. Results were analyzed using Reflexive Thematic Analysis, and four main themes were developed. Findings: Themes included: Personal enrichment: psychological "respite" and wellbeing; Professional enrichment: Clinical Debrief as a "two-way" door; Becoming a facilitator: a journey; and, Relationships in teaching: blurred boundaries and multiple roles. Insights: Being a Clinical Debrief facilitator had a transformative impact on the personal and professional lives of the GPs who participated in this study. The implications of these findings for individual GPs, their patients, and the wider healthcare system, are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalTeaching and Learning in Medicine
Early online date1 Jul 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2023


  • clinical debrief
  • clinical teacher
  • General practitioner
  • medical education
  • medical educator


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