Foreigner talk through word reduction in native/non-native spoken interactions

Sara Rodriguez-Cuadrado, Cristina Baus, Albert Costa

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We explore the properties of foreigner talk through word reduction. Word reduction signals that the speaker is referring to the same entity as previously and should be preserved for foreigner talk. However, it leads to intelligibility loss, which works against foreigner talk. Pairs of speakers engaged in a task where native speakers talked either to a native or non-native listener. Natives talking to non-natives performed foreigner talk for duration and intensity. Duration and intensity were reduced for native and non-native listeners equally. These results suggest that word reduction is insensitive to communicative adjustments in the context of foreign talk.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)419-426
JournalBilingualism: Language and Cognition
Issue number2
Early online date11 Oct 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 Oct 2017


  • word reduction
  • foreigner talk
  • non-native speakers
  • word duration
  • word intensity


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