Final Report- Evaluation of the Neuro Network Vanguard

Axel Kaehne, Chris Midgley, Jane Bradbury

Research output: Book/ReportProject report

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The Walton Centre commissioned an evaluation of the implementation and governance processes of the Neuro Network Vanguard from Edge Hill University in January 2018. The evaluation addressed questions regarding how the programme was implemented, what facilitated or hindered the implementation of the Vanguard, what was the impact of the programme on staff, how did the specific context of the Walton Centre as a tertiary specialist service provider influence the implementation of the programme, and what were the lessons for other, similar programmes in the future.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 8 Nov 2018


  • integrated care
  • integration
  • neurology
  • Walton Centre
  • Vanguard Programme
  • NHS


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