Exploring the impact of the Differential Attainment Champion role in the GP School, Health Education North West (HEENW).

Research output: Book/ReportProject reportpeer-review


Background: DA Champions (GP Trainers) were recently appointed to support all non-UK graduates and Targeted GP Specialty trainees through the everyday interactions in their own learning environment. DA Champions were provided with three hours of online training; this provided them with an understanding of the role, making them aware of the issues faced by these trainee groups 1 as well as available resources. It also included how to identify a trainee in difficulty, how to conduct the initial meeting with trainees using a template guide. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of this new role from both the Champion and trainee perspective.

Methods: fifteen DA Champions were initially interviewed mostly within a month of appointment. Eight then took part in a 6 month follow-up interview. Six participated in a second follow-up interview approximately 12 months after their appointment. Ten trainees were also interviewed. All interviews were recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed.

Results: DA Champions emphasized the importance of focusing on early, holistic support; establishing short to long term plans and signposting to existing resources (for example, developing presentation skills and portfolio work through to exam preparation). Trainees highly valued DA Champion support.

Conclusion: This study shows that targeted support by DA Champions leads to positive supervisory relationships that can help to develop a diverse workforce. This is recognised by DA Champions and their trainees who participated in this study. There is potential for future application to other targeted early interventions in other specialties and postgraduate training.
Submission references
1 General Medical Council (2022) The state of medical education and practice in the UK.https://www.gmc-uk.org/-/media/documents/workforce-report-2022---full-report_pdf-94540077.pdf Accessed January 12, 2023.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherAssociation for the Study of Medical Education
Publication statusPublished - 24 Feb 2023

Research Groups

  • Clinical Education Research Group


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