Exploring entrepreneurial skills and competencies in farm tourism

Chris Phelan, Richard Sharpley

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The use of competency systems to evaluate, reward, and promote managers has become common- place in many organizations in recent years. Yet, despite their popularity, there is little evidence that competency systems increase managerial effectiveness. In this study, we estimate the relationship between managerial competencies and performance at both the individual and organizational unit levels. We find evidence that competencies are positively related to individual-level performance and that individual managerial performance may be increased by mentoring on a competency system. The evidence of a link between competencies and unit-level performance is weaker.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-118
Number of pages16
JournalLocal Economy
Issue number2
Early online date2 Feb 2012
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2012


  • agritourism
  • business competence
  • diversification
  • entrepreneurial competence
  • entrepreneurial skills
  • farm entrepreneur
  • farm tourism


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