Exploring Augmented Reality

Dawne Bell, Rob Jones

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)
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In September’s edition of D&T Practice (Issue 3.2012) David Wooff and I wrote about how staff were working with trainees on the Design and Technology BSc Initial Teacher Training course, using the notion of ‘Design Fiction’ as a catalyst for their design work, to explore the effective employment of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) such as the use of QR Codes, Prezi and Blogs. The outcomes had a series of positive impacts, not only on the trainee teacher’s attainment, motivation and engagement but where trainees had engaged in aspects of the TEL whilst on their teaching placements in schools the impact upon the student’s attainment and progress. Delivery of the same module (SDT3101) to the present undergraduate cohort is currently underway but given the amount of interest from the previous article, and the exciting new developments that are emerging, we thought it may be of interest to share some of the very early findings with you now, rather than wait until the summer.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15-17
JournalD&T Practice: The Design and Technology Publication for the Profession
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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