EXPLORANDO: nuevos lenguajes en el circo contemporáneo (2016)

    Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


    Man is author and director of this practice research project that explores the significance of the solo female performer on the Chinese Pole within the development of Chilean contemporary circus. EXPLORANDO was awarded a £10,000 (equivalent) research grant from the Chilean Government Arts Funding (FONDART). The project was developed with the circus artist Francisca Arce Gatica over four stages and in association with the Circus House, Manchester (March-April 2015), The Grainerie, Toulouse (May 2015), Valparaiso Cultural Park, Valparaiso, Chile, and the Circus School, El Circo de Mundo, in Santiago de Chile, Chile (August 2015). The EXPLORANDO research sought to articulate and choreograph new approaches to working with the Chinese pole. Taking the physical risk and committed training needed to generate material on the circus apparatus as a given, the project’s lines of investigations aimed to develop acrobatic languages that are rooted in the sensorial experience and architectural awareness of the performer/researcher and the performative space. Within in the context of Chilean circus, this research marked a significant break away from traditional methods of constructing circus performance that tend towards the conventional and popular spectacle. Whilst the Arts Funding was awarded for research and development, and not for production of performance, sharings of the findings were offered at the Circus School, El Circo de Mundo, in Santiago de Chile, Chile in September 2016. Documentation is available on request. Please email [email protected]
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 9 Sept 2015


    • circus
    • Chinese Pole
    • Chile


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      Research output: Non-textual formPerformance

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