Evaluation of the impact of the Differential Attainment Champion role in the GP School, Health Education North West

Research output: Book/ReportProject reportpeer-review


International Medical Graduates (IMG) and UK ethnic minority medical graduates
experience disproportionally worse outcomes from GP Specialty Training when compared to their peers. This variation in outcomes is not explained by any single identifiable factor such as aptitude or motivation and is called Differential Attainment (DA). A national allocation of funding to minimise the effects of DA in GP training was established for Health Education England in 2021. In the North West, it has been used to support experienced GP educators to act as Differential Attainment Champions (DAC). Thirty nine sessions of time were appointed to Educational Supervisors and GP Educators. The DACs focus their sessions on
supporting trainees at risk of DA. Much of this work is done in one to one sessions, with some areas using group work as well. This report gives a qualitative account of the experiences of the DACs and some of the trainees they support. The aim of the programme is to contribute to improving the training progression in all non-UK graduates, doctors in training with adverse Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) panel outcomes,
and those identified by educators as benefitting from additional support.
Future application of the findings not only relate to this intervention, but to other initiatives related to DA in GP training and potentially other specialties. The following aspects of the DAC role worked well: the freedom to tailor support to the individual needs of the trainees; the targeted and proactive support early on in GP core training. DACs felt more trainees needed to be made aware of the support they could offer. Allocated time was spent raising awareness and inviting trainees to come forward to access their support. Some trainees only needed one short meeting for reassurance they were on track while others needed much more regular online and face to face input. If the DAC role was to be sustained and expanded some of the key factors identified above may provide a framework for ways of working. The freedom of working in a way that suits the DAC should be maintained. The individualised and adaptive approach works well but it does mean it is difficult to quantify how many trainees can be supported by one DAC and their workload needs to be monitored.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherGeneral Medical Council
Commissioning bodyHealth Education England
Number of pages56
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2023


  • GP training

Research Groups

  • Clinical Education Research Group


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