Evaluating the use of a wiki for collaborative learning

F. Su, C. Beaumont

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A wiki is able to provide a learning environment which is closely aligned with the social-constructivist approach and is more natural than many tools where open collaboration and the exchange of ideas are important. This case study analyses and evaluates essential aspects for the successful deployment of a wiki in a higher education setting using Salmon’s five-stage e-learning framework. Indicators of the learning benefits were determined by qualitative analysis of students’ wiki contributions. Students’ perceptions were captured through interviews and questionnaires at the start and end of the project, thereby providing indicators of their motivation towards this method of learning. Our results suggest that a wiki can promote effective collaborative learning and confidence in formative self and peer assessment by facilitating rapid feedback, vicarious learning through observing others’ contributions and easy navigation and tracking facilities. Student authorship was also encouraged. Issues identified included providing easy access to the wiki, lack of personalisation, possible vandalism and plagiarism. Also, students with learning difficulties might require extra help and take longer to familiarise themselves with this new e-learning environment.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)417-431
JournalInnovations in Education and Teaching International
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2010


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