Evaluating Drama-based Crime Prevention: Young People's Affective Engagement with Performance

Laura Kelly, Victoria Foster, Snne Hayes

    Research output: Book/ReportProject report

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    Evaluating Drama-based Crime Intervention: Young People’s Affective Engagement with Performance is a project carried out with the Royal Court Liverpool Trust to explore how theatre can support young people’s personal and social education and contribute to community safety objectives. The research involved a multi-method approach and included the use of participatory, arts-based methods with young people at Notre Dame Catholic Academy in Liverpool. The work was funded by Liverpool John Moores University and the Rayne Foundation and the project’s dissemination has been supported by Edge Hill University's I4P.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherLiverpool John Moores University
    Commissioning bodyRayne Foundation
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 20 Jan 2017


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