Erratum. Computed Tomography Versus Invasive Coronary Angiography in Patients With Diabetes and Suspected Coronary Artery Disease. Diabetes Care 2023;46:2015–2023

Theodora Benedek, Viktoria Wieske, Báalint Szilveszter, Klaus F. Kofoed, Patrick Donnelly, Josée Rodriguez-Palomares, Andrejs Erglis, Josef Veselka, Gintarė Šakalytė, Nada Čemerlićc Ad-Ićc, Matthias Gutberlet, Ignacio Diez, Gershan Davis, Elke Zimmermann, Cezary Kępka, Radosav Vidakovic, Marco Francone, Małgorzata Ilnicka-Suckiel, Fabian Plank, Juhani KnuutiRita Faria, Stephen Schröder, Colin Berry, Luca Saba, Balazs Ruzsics, Nina Rieckmann, Christine Kubiak, Kristian Schultz Hansen, Jacqueline M€uller-Nordhorn, Bela Merkely, Per E. Sigvardsen, Imre Benedek, Clare Orr, Filipa Xavier Valente, Ligita Zvaigzne, Martin Horváath, Antanas Jankauskas, Filip Ađić, Michael Woinke, Niall Mulvihill, Iñnigo Lecumberri, Erica Thwaite, Michael Laule, Mariusz Kruk, Milica Stefanovic, Massimo Mancone, Donata Kuśmierz, Gudrun Feuchtner, Mikko Pietilä, Vasco Gama Ribeiro, Tanja Drosch, Christian Delles, Marco Melis, Michael Fisher, Melinda Boussoussou, Charlotte Kragelund, Rosca Aurelian, Stephanie Kelly, Bruno Garcia Del Blanco, Ainhoa Rubio, Miháaly Károlyi, Jens D. Hove, Ioana Rodean, Susan Regan, Hug Cuéllar Calabria, Láaszló Gellér, Linnea Larsen, Roxana Hodas, Adriane E. Napp, Robert Haase, Sarah Feger, Mahmoud Mohamed, Lina M. Serna-Higuita, Konrad Neumann, Henryk Dreger, Matthias Rief, John Danesh, Melanie Estrella, Maria Bosserdt, Peter Martus, Jonathan D. Dodd, Marc Dewey

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


In the abstract of the article cited above, the clinical trial number for DISCHARGE (NCT02400229) was inadvertently omitted. The abstract has been revised to include the identification. The editors apologize for the error. The online version of the article ( has been updated to correct the error.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)898
Number of pages1
JournalDiabetes Care
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2024


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