Environmental conditions may predispose to pulmonary infection with mycobacteria:A GIS based investigation

J. Marsden, I. Ryland, J. Corless, P. Stockton, P. Davies

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Environmental mycobacteria are ubiquitous organisms that exist in soil and water. Person to person spread has only been identified in rare cases. Members of the public at risk of infection include those with COPD and the immunosuppressed. To try to determine other possible risk factors such as environmental factors or proximity to stagnant water a GIS approach has been adopted. The location of patients homes were initially identified, using their postcode, as point incidents to investigate the possibility of clustering. Further investigative work was carried out by overlaying the point data on top of various other layers of information such as road network, OS colour raster maps, aerial photography and satellite imagery. Proximity of patients homes to stagnant water has been investigated using buffer and clip technology and the results are discussed. Proposed further investigations include the use of satellite imagery to discover the spectral signature of stagnant water, ground truth verification and plotting within the investigation area
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Event1st European Conference for Geographical Information Sciences in Public Health - Sheffield, United Kingdom
Duration: 19 Sept 200120 Sept 2001


Conference1st European Conference for Geographical Information Sciences in Public Health
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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