
Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial (journal)


Welcome to Volume 8.1 of Educationalfutures edited by myself, Joe Gazdula, and Tom
Feldges. Producing this journal has been an exciting experience full of challenges for us
both and a word of thanks must go to the British Education Studies Association Executive for
their continuous support throughout its production and their untiring efforts to provide the
reviews necessary to inform and advise authors. We now have a back catalogue of articles
at various stages of review and production and look forward to being able to produce issues
twice yearly again with the next issue planned for June 2017.

We’ve also been very lucky to get some excellent articles for this edition which push the
boundaries of Education Studies from a teaching and conceptual aspect and provide
thoughtful ideas on the way education contributes and interacts with society to produce
learning for a modern age. This edition enters the debate of education and art and the
articles look at the way we consider education and teaching to provide exciting learning. It
consists of four articles and two book reviews.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbern/a
Pages (from-to)2-3
Number of pages2
JournalEducational Futures
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jun 2017


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