DSM-5 self-rated level 1 cross-cutting symptom measure (CCSM1): Proposal for a three-factors model and implications for the assessment of at-risk situations

Serge Combaluzier*, Brice Gouvernet, Chloé Launay, PHILIP MURPHY

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The aim of this paper is to study the measurement of the DSM5 self-rated transversal symptoms level 1 (CCSM1) from a dimensional perspective in line with current models of psychopathology in three factors: internalization, thought disorders, externalization.

Based on the 670 non-clinical protocols we collected, we verified that the VSS is composed of three factors. We studied the 3-factor composition with half of the sample and confirmed this composition with the other half. To show that these three factors were more relevant than the original 13 dimensions, we compared the results to three clinical groups and, after a cluster analysis, we investigated the intensity and frequency of people at risk across the original dimensions.

While the 13 initial dimensions of the CCSM1 do not completely differentiate this sample from the clinical groups, the three high-order dimensions are discriminating. Clustering confirms these results when comparing the least and most affected subjects and allows us to see that these three HODs have significant impacts on the observation of cases at risk of clinical disorders in this non-clinical sample.

To be further validated, these three HODs should be studied in relation to tools that assess internalization, thought disorders or externalization.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)531-538
Number of pages8
Issue number5
Early online date22 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024


  • DSM 5 self-rated level 1 cross-cutting
  • symptoms measure
  • Dimensional paradigm
  • luster analysis
  • Cluster analysis
  • Odds ratio
  • factor analysis
  • Non-clinical sample


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