Drama-based intervention to support social inclusion: evaluation of an approach to include students with ADHD in Algeria

Aida Layachi, Graeme Douglas, Maria Reraki

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This paper explores the impact of a drama-based intervention on the social inclusion of middle school learners including some with ADHD in Algeria. The intervention included drama-based activities and was delivered over a period of six weeks (24 sessions). One second-year middle school classroom (n = 29), including students with ADHD (n = 3), was recruited for the study. A mixed-methods, explanatory sequential design was adopted: Social Inclusion Survey data were collected before and after the intervention; and qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews and focus groups two weeks after the intervention. The findings suggest an increase in the acceptance levels (and a decrease in the rejection levels) of students with ADHD in line with the group as a whole. Furthermore, the findings suggest a positive drama influence on the students’ social interactions, friendships, and sense of belonging. The findings highlight the need for schools to promote the social inclusion of all the students through embracing creative teaching strategies and recognising the importance of social development in inclusive settings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-24
Number of pages24
JournalEducational Psychology in Practice
Early online date21 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2023


  • Developmental and Educational Psychology
  • ADHD
  • drama therapy


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