title = "Distribution Records of Some Uncommonly Recorded Spiders in Ireland including a New Irish Record: Meioneta mollis (O.P. -Cambridge, 1871) (Araneae: Linyphiidae)",
abstract = "The BIOFOREST Project aimed to assess the effect of afforestation on Irish biodiversity and one of its central goals was to determine the biodiversity value of sites which are typically used for afforestation in Ireland. Spiders were sampled in several of the major Irish habitats - improved grassland, wet grassland and peatland - which were selected to reflect current afforestation trends. A total of 24 sites were surveyed (eight within each habitat type) which were located in 14 different counties across the country. The spiders were sampled using pitfall traps, which were active between May and July in 2002 and 2004. Within each habitat type six sampling plots of five pitfall traps were established. The plots were located in areas of homogenous vegetation cover which was typical of the site as a whole, but also in features such as wet flushes, riparian areas and hedgerows, which may also contribute to the biodiversity of a site. All adult specimens were identified to species and nomenclature follows Roberts (1993). Voucher specimens have been deposited in the Museum in the Department of Zoology Ecology and Plant Science, University College Cork. Identification of M. mollis was confirmed by Robert Johnston. New county records were determined by the distribution records of van Helsdingen (1996a) and McFerran (1997), the records of Cawley (2001) and references therein, as well as subsequent additions made to the Irish species list (Johnston and Cameron 2002a, b; Nolan 2002a, b; Fahy and Gormally 2003; Cawley 2004; Nelson 2005, McCormack 2006). Information on spider body size was obtained from Roberts (1993) whereas British distribution records and habitat preferences were derived from Harvey et al (2002).",
keywords = "Spider, Araneae, Distribution, New Species, Ireland",
author = "Anne Oxbrough",
note = "BRATTON, J. H., 1991. British Red Data Books 3: Invertebrates other than insects. Joint Nature Conservation Committee. CAWLEY, M., 2001. Distribution records for uncommon spiders (Araneae) including five species new to Ireland. Bull. Ir. biogeog. Soc. 25: 135 - 143. CAWLEY, M., 2004. Some further records for uncommon spiders (Araneae) including four species new to Ireland. Bull. Ir. biogeog. Soc. 28: 207 - 228. FAHY, O. & GORMALLY, M., 2003. Two additions to the Irish spider fauna (Araneae, Linyphiidae): Walckenaeria dysderoides (Wider, 1834) and Agyneta ramosa (Jackson, 1912). Irish Naturalists' Journal. 27: 318-319. HARVEY, P., NELLIST, D. & TELFER, M., 2002. Provisional Atlas of British spiders (Arachnida, Araneae), Volume 1 & 2. Biological Records Centre, Huntingdon. HELSDINGEN, P. J. van, 1996a. A county distribution of Irish spiders, incorporating a revised catalogue of the species. Irish Naturalists' Journal Special Zoological Supplement. HELSDINGEN, P, J. van, 1996b. The spider fauna of some Irish floodplains. Irish Naturalists' Journal 25: 285 - 293. JOHNSTON, R. J. & CAMERON, A., 2002a. County records of spiders in Northern Ireland. Irish Naturalists' Journal 27: 66 - 69. JOHNSTON, R. & CAMERON, A., 2002b. Sintula conigera (Blackwall 1856) (Araneae, Linyphiidae) new to Ireland and other new county records of spiders in Northern Ireland. Irish Naturalists' Journal 27: 77 - 80. MCCORMACK, S., 2006. Coleoptera, Araneae, and aquatic Hemiptera recorded from three mountain areas in Northwestern Ireland. Bull. Ir. biogeog. Soc. 30: 302 - 333. MCFERRAN, D., 1997. Northern Ireland Species Inventory: spiders (Arachnida). Environment and Heritage Research and Development Series. No. 97/10. Environment and Heritage Service, Belfast. NELSON, B., 2005. Surveys of the insects, spiders and other invertebrates of fens in counties Armagh, Down and Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Bull. Ir. biogeog. Soc. 29: 3 - 85. NOLAN, M., 2002a. Spiders (Araneae) of montane blanket bog in county Wicklow, Ireland. Bull. Ir. biogeog. Soc. 26: 39 - 59. NOLAN, M., 2002b. Uncommonly recorded spiders (Araneae) from Ireland, including one new species to the country. Bull. Ir. biogeog. Soc. 26: 154 - 160. ROBERTS, M., 1993. The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland (compact edition). Part One. Harley Books.",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
volume = "28",
pages = "406--409",
journal = "Irish Naturalists' Journal",
issn = "0021-1311",
publisher = "Irish Naturalists Journal Ltd.",
number = "10",