Dis/inheriting the Anthropocene: Collectives, conspiring, co-creating and thinking-with the non-and-more-than-human

Helena Kewley, Ruth Churchill Dower, Hannah Hogarth, Jo Albin-Clark, Constanse Elmenhorst, Nikki Fairchild

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Our constellation of collectives ponders how we can navigate hopeful research practices by thinking-with non-human and human relationalities in the time of the Anthropocene. We are a constellation of four collectives (Wunderkammern;Moving with the Minor; Non-human Kinships; Disrupting/Pactifying) that comprises scholars at all stages of their academic journey.As early childhood education (ECE) researchers we ask the following questions: How can we navigate hopeful and generative research practices in the Anthropocene when ecologies lurch towards catastrophic tipping points (Tsing et al. 2020)? What kind ofAnthropocenic worlds our children are set to inherit, or indeed dis/inherit? How do we account for the‘historical geographies of extraction, imperial global geographies, and environmental racism at the material and affective core of the Anthropocene discourses.’ (Hohti et al, 2021). In response, we seek collaborative and collective efforts with posthuman, feminist materialist and agential realist theories as tools to think-with about what it means to live (and die) well in late-stage capitalism (Braidotti, 2019). To do this we turn our attention to our relationality with the non-human world and practice forms of ‘thinking-with’ other beings and things (Haraway, 2015). In turning to notice how the non-human and more-than-human world is experienced, presented and consumed in early childhood (Albin-Clark, 2021, 2022), we think-with manufactured, natural, living, recycled materials, objects, experiences, the weather and outdoor spaces to re-imagine and reconfigure the legacies for children of such practices (Kraftl, 2020). Our focus is on what can be done as a collection of collective co-conspirators working with posthumanist, feminist materialist, agential realist, post qualitative theories and speculative methodologies. Together, our collective/s engage with a curious practice to think-with the non-human and more-than-human world (Fairchild et al, 2022; Haraway, 2015; Taylor, 2021).Our Dreamteam will be interactive and playful in nature and involve four practical provocations, where we welcome mingling in between experimentations. Through moving in-between provocations, we put to work the notion of cutting together apart (Barad, 2014), playing-with and sharing-with to see what new co-conspirator collectives are made. At the close of the Dreamteam, we welcome participants to take with themsome of the material fragments of the non-more-than-human provocation, along with them with an invitation to join us for future collaborative capacious opportunities
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2023
EventQualitative Inquiry in the Anthropocene: Affirmative and generative possibilities for (Post)Anthropocentric futures - University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Duration: 10 Jan 202313 Jan 2023
Conference number: 6


ConferenceQualitative Inquiry in the Anthropocene
Abbreviated titleECQI
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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