Developing visual mnemonic codes as an aid to effective memory recall


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The use of mnemonics to aid memory recall are widely used within education, and while the effective use of techniques including acronyms, songs and rhymes, as well as patterns in letters or numbers are well-known, the advantages of drawing as an effective cognitive mnemonic strategy are not as well documented.
There is however a growing body of research that suggests that when combined with traditional style written notes the use of visual imagery can be an effective tool to aid memory recall.
Taking visual notes or as it more commonly known ‘sketchnoting’ can help learners to manage unfamiliar ideas and concepts, assimilate information and to build bridges between concepts, helping to internally process information and recall it more easily.
Exploring the concept of self-generated mnemonic codes this research seeks to support those wishing to explore the technique for themselves, or to support others to develop their own personal visual mnemonic ‘shorthand’, a series of personalised images, icons and symbols as a strategy to enhance the process of memory recall. By capturing information in this way ‘purposeful doodling’ can support a learner’s interaction with content on a deeper level, to enhance the effective retention and retrieval of information.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2019
EventSOLSTICE e-Learning and CLT Conference - Edge Hill University, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Jun 20196 Jun 2019


ConferenceSOLSTICE e-Learning and CLT Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • visual mnemonic codes


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