Dementia Care in England: Focus Groups with Older People, Carers and Professional Staff

C Sutcliffe, D Challis, Brenda Roe, D Jolley, A Crook, H Verbeek

    Research output: Working paperDiscussion paper


    This paper is part of the European Union funded study RightTimePlaceCare which examines transitions and balance of care in dementia care in 8 European countries. It is part of work package two of the study which examines the structures and processes of service delivery in each country. The paper summarises the findings from the focus groups conducted with older people, carers and providers of care for older people with dementia. There were five focus groups undertaken during December and January 2011-12, three involving older people and carers and two involving professional staff involved in mental health care.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationManchester
    PublisherPersonal Social Services Research Unit
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2012


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