Current and future advances in practice: tendinopathies of the shoulder


Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

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Tendinopathies of the shoulder are a burdensome problem. Current treatments include exercise, physical therapies, corticosteroid injections, and surgery. However, the clinical outcomes from randomised controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness of these interventions are largely unremarkable. Given the apparent lack of progress in improving clinical outcomes for patients, it is appropriate to consider other avenues. Research has identified a link between lifestyle-related modifiable risk factors including smoking, overweight, physical inactivity, and the onset and persistence of tendinopathies of the shoulder. Further research is required to understand whether addressing these factors results in better clinical outcomes for patients. Teachable moments and shared decision-making are concepts that could enable clinicians to integrate the assessment and management of these lifestyle factors. Given these lifestyle factors also increase the risk of developing other common morbidities, including cardiovascular disease, an evolution of routine clinical care in this way could represent an important step forward.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberrkad086
Pages (from-to)1-5
Number of pages5
JournalRheumatology Advances in Practice
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2023


  • tendinopathy
  • shoulder
  • rotator cuff
  • exercise
  • rehabilitation
  • corticosteroid
  • surgery
  • risk factors
  • lifestyle
  • review
  • smoking
  • adrenal corticosteroids
  • glucocorticoids
  • life style
  • surgical procedures
  • operative
  • mineralocorticoids
  • shoulder region
  • overweight
  • shared decision making

Research Institutes

  • Health Research Institute

Research Centres

  • Edge Hill Primary and Integrated Care Research Centre


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