W dobie globalizacji, transmisji kulturowej i ruchów migracyjnych analizowanie wzajemnych interakcji zjawisk spolecznych jest nie tylko uzasadnione, ale i konieczne. W kontekscie intensywnych zmian zachodzacych w poszczególnych spoleczenstwach, w tym równiez w Polsce, pytanie o to - czy i na ile pojawienie sie w ostatnich latach w naszym kraju coraz wiekszej liczby cudzoziemców moze wplywac na zwiekszenie ich udzialu w zjawisku przestepczosci - jest sluszne i usprawiedliwione. [...] Opracowania zawarte w tej monografii bazowaly w duzej mierze na wynikach badan empirycznych, które przeprowadzone zostaly zgodnie z regulami poprawnosci metodologicznej. Wykorzystano w nich zróznicowane techniki badawcze, dzieki czemu uzyskano bardzo ciekawe dane. Otrzymane wyniki, co nalezy wyraznie podkreslic, nie tylko wzbogacaja wiedze naukowa o zjawisku przestepczosci cudzoziemców w Polsce, lecz takze obalaja wiele stereotypów na jego temat.
z recenzji prof. dr hab. Janiny Blachut
In the era of globalization, cultural transmission and migration movements, analyzing mutual interactions of social phenomena is not only justified, but also necessary. In the context of intensive changes taking place in individual societies, including in Poland, the question is whether and to what extent the emergence of an increasing number of foreigners in our country in recent years can affect the increase in their participation in the phenomenon of crime - is just and justifiable. [...] The studies contained in this monograph were based to a large extent on the results of empirical studies that were carried out in accordance with the rules of methodological correctness. Various research techniques were used in them, thanks to which very interesting data were obtained. The obtained results, which should be clearly emphasized, not only enrich the scientific knowledge about the phenomenon of crime of foreigners in Poland, but also refute many stereotypes about it.
from the review of prof. dr hab. Janina Blachut
z recenzji prof. dr hab. Janiny Blachut
In the era of globalization, cultural transmission and migration movements, analyzing mutual interactions of social phenomena is not only justified, but also necessary. In the context of intensive changes taking place in individual societies, including in Poland, the question is whether and to what extent the emergence of an increasing number of foreigners in our country in recent years can affect the increase in their participation in the phenomenon of crime - is just and justifiable. [...] The studies contained in this monograph were based to a large extent on the results of empirical studies that were carried out in accordance with the rules of methodological correctness. Various research techniques were used in them, thanks to which very interesting data were obtained. The obtained results, which should be clearly emphasized, not only enrich the scientific knowledge about the phenomenon of crime of foreigners in Poland, but also refute many stereotypes about it.
from the review of prof. dr hab. Janina Blachut
Original language | English |
Title of host publication | Przestępczość cudzoziemców: |
Subtitle of host publication | Aspekty prawne, kryminologiczne i praktyczne |
Editors | Witold Klaus, Katarzyna Laskowska, Irena Rzeplinska |
Place of Publication | Warsaw |
Publisher | Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR |
Pages | 550-571 |
Number of pages | 21 |
Edition | 1st |
ISBN (Print) | 978-83-7383-855-0 |
Publication status | Published - 1 Jan 2017 |
- migrartion
- cultural transmission
- crime