Creating authentic video scenarios for use in prehospital research

Christopher Preston, Bernie Carter, Barbara Jack, Lucy Bray

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)
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    Video scenarios have been used to explore clinical reasoning during interviews in Think Aloud studies. This study used nominal group technique with experts to create video scenarios to explore the ways paramedics think and reason when caring for children who are sick or injured. At present there is little research regarding paramedics’ clinical reasoning with respect to performing non-urgent procedures on children. A core expert panel identified the central structure of a prehospital clinical interaction and the range of contextual factors that may influence a paramedic’s clinical reasoning [the way in which information is gathered, interpreted and analysed by clinicians]. The structure and contextual factors were then incorporated into two filmed scenarios. A second panel of clinical practice experts, then critiqued the body language, spoken word and age appropriate behaviours of those acting in the video scenarios and compared them against their own experience of clinical practice to confirm authenticity. This paper reports and reflects on the use of nominal group technique to create authentic video scenarios for use in prehospital research.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Emergency Nursing
    Early online date10 Mar 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Video scenario
    • Authentic
    • Prehospital
    • Expert panel
    • Nominal group technique


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