Converting between estimates of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity derived from raw accelerations measured at the wrist and from ActiGraph counts measured at the hip: The Rosetta Stone

Keith Brazendale, Michael W. Beets, Alex V. Rowlands, Jessica L. Chandler, Stuart J. Fairclough, Lynne M. Boddy, Tim S. Olds, Gaynor Parfitt, Robert Noonan, Samantha J. Downs, Dylan P. Cliff

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The ability to compare published grouplevel estimates of objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) across studies continues to increase in difficulty. The objective of this study was to develop conversion equations and demonstrate their utility to compare estimates of MVPA derived from the wrist and hip. Data from three studies of youth (N = 232, 9-12yrs, 50% boys) who concurrently wore a hip-worn ActiGraph and a wrist-worn GENEActiv for 7-days. ActiGraph hip count data were reduced using four established cutpoints: Evenson, Pate, Puyau, and Freedson 3MET. Wrist accelerations were reduced using the Hildebrand MVPA 200 mg threshold. Conversion equations were developed on a randomly selected subsample of 132 youth. Equations were cross-validated and absolute error, absolute percent error, and modified Bland-Altman plots were evaluated for conversion accuracy. Across equations R2adj was 0.51-0.56 with individual-level absolute error in minutes ranging from 7 (wrist-to-hip Puyau) to 14.5 minutes (wrist-to-hip Freedson 3MET) and absolute percent differences ranging from 13.9%-24.5%. Group-level cross-validation to convert hip-to-wrist MVPA resulted in average absolute percent errors ranging from 3.1%-4.9%.Conversion of wrist-to-hip MVPA resulted in average absolute percent errors ranging from 3.0%-10.0%. We recommend the use of these equations to compare published estimates of MVPA between the wear-site cut-point combinations presented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-5
JournalJournal of Sports Sciences
Early online date30 Apr 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 30 Apr 2018


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