Closing the STEM skills gap enquiry: Written evidence submitted by Mrs Dawn Hewitson (GAP0084)

Dawn Hewitson

Research output: Book/ReportOther (book/report)


Prepared for the Commons Select Committee on Closing the STEM skills gap inquiry, this paper is an account of actions taken by an individual, who is proactive in supporting skills acquisition in the STEM area of Computer Science, in England. The paper gives an account of personal experience relating to supporting skills acquisition relating to a number of initiatives over a 10 year period. This report provides a detailed narrative account of personal experience of engagement with skills acquisition ‘grass roots’ communities of practice, and highlights issues which relate directly to the development of skills in STEM curriculum areas.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherHouse of Commons
Number of pages3
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Mar 2017


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