Case Studies of Non-EU Sport Diplomacy: UK, US, Australia, China & Qatar

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This output is from a work package from the Erasmus+ funded project, TES-D (Toward a European Union Sport Diplomacy, 2020-21) of which the author is a partner. The output discusses the approach selected by non-European Union (EU) countries to sport diplomacy. Its purpose is to identify how states employ sport within broader public diplomacy approaches. This will highlight to the EU and its Member States good practices and associated risks. Five countries were selected, each with a different approach. The United Kingdom (UK) has a long tradition of attempting to shape international perceptions through sport and it stands as a useful European comparator. The United States (U.S.) is selected due to its long engagement
with public diplomacy and being one of only a few states with a well-developed sport diplomacy
strategy. Australia’s inclusion is justified as it is believed to be the first country to have created
and adopted a formal sport diplomacy strategy. China and Qatar provide non-European and nondemocratic points of comparison. They are included to highlight the diplomatic use of sport from an Asian and Middle Eastern perspective and to demonstrate the approach of a super-power and a
small state, albeit in Qatar’s case, a disproportionately influential and wealthy one.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherThe French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs
Commissioning bodyEuropean Commission
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 3 Nov 2021


  • Sport Diplomacy


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