Carlo Linati e la ricezione italiana delle opere di J. M. Synge in Italia

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This article provides an account of the reception in Italy of John M. Synge's plays, with particular attention devoted to ‘Riders to the Sea’. Linati’s was the first published Italian translation of Riders to the Sea (though not the first one completed – that was done by James Joyce and his Triestine student Nicolò Vidacovich) and the only one thus far to be performed on an Italian stage. The paper explores its performance history, specifically the 1940 performance at A. G. Bragaglia’s experimental theatre in Rome, then subject to Fascist censorship, in which Synge’s play is transported to Brittany.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)131-147
JournalJournal of Anglo-Italian Studies
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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