Can visual documentation support the emerging dancer to self-reflect? Embedding graduate employability

Helen Newall, Karen Jaundrill-Scott

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

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    Helen Newall & Karen Jaundrill-Scott, Edge Hill University 12° North Graduate Dance Company is an innovative Arts Council England funded project hosted at Edge Hill University, which exists to strengthen dance provision in the North West. It is supported by a culture of collaborative working alongside regional partners to maximise existing and emerging graduate opportunities. This 20 minute paper is a dual presentation, and details a documentation project undertaken by Newall and Jaundrill-Scott to capture via photography and film, the exterior acquisition of skill and the interior acquisition of self-belief. This 20 minute paper addresses two things: firstly; how photographic imagery can be used to address the teaching of self-reflexive recognition, artistry and employability, using it as feedback to enhance the graduate dancer’s self-reflexive evaluation of achievement. Secondly; how our own experiences during this process enhance the development of our own practice in documentary photography, undergraduate teaching and film making.12° North Graduate Dance Company is an innovative Arts Council England funded project hosted at Edge Hill University, which exists to strengthen dance provision in the North West. It is supported by a culture of collaborative working alongside regional partners to maximise existing and emerging graduate opportunities - See more at:
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Mar 2016
    EventInspire - sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning - Brighton, United Kingdom
    Duration: 2 Mar 20163 Mar 2016


    ConferenceInspire - sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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