title = "Broad-based organizing in the UK: reasserting the centrality of political activity in community development",
abstract = "This article examines the emergence of broad-based organizing in the UK and the importance given to political activity within community development. Popularly associated with Saul Alinsky and the work of the Industrial Areas Foundation, the translation from the USA has been problematic. With the emergence and sustained growth of {\textquoteleft}London Citizens{\textquoteright}, now one of the largest citizen-based organizations in the country, a firmer foothold has been established. The article examines the central concepts underpinning the political and philosophical basis of broad-based organizing and explores some of the challenges involved in developing and sustaining an approach that is overtly political and utilizes conflict and direct action to engage and negotiate with established power. At a time when the neo-liberal agenda has had a depoliticizing effect upon community development, this provides a model that challenges current orthodoxy associated with {\textquoteleft}partnership{\textquoteright} and {\textquoteleft}empowerment{\textquoteright} and reasserts the centrality of power and politics in promoting change and social reform.",
author = "Paul Bunyan",
note = "Alinsky, S. (1969) Reveille for Radicals, Vintage Books, New York. Alinsky, S. (1971) Rules for Radicals, Random House, New York. Arendt, H. (1958) The Human Condition, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Chambers, E. (2003) Roots for Radicals, The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, New York. Crick, B. (1992) In Defence of Politics (Fourth Edition), Penguin Books, London. DeFilippis, J., Fisher, R. and Shragge, E. (2006) Neither romance nor regulation: re-evaluating community, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 30 (3), 673–689. Furbey, R., Else, P., Farnell, R., Lawless, P., Lund, S. and Wishart, B. (1997) Breaking with tradition? The Church of England and community organising, Community Development Journal, 32 (2), 141–150. Goehler, G. (2000) Constitution and use of power, in H. Goverde, P. G. Cerny, M. Haugaard and H. Lentner, eds, Power in Contemporary Politics: Theories, Practices, Globalizations, Sage Publications Ltd, London. Head, W.A. (1979) Community development in post-industrial society: myth or reality?, in D.A. Chekki, ed., Community Development: Theory and Method of Planned Change, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi. Henderson, P. and Glen, A. (2006) From Recognition to Support: Community Development Workers in the United Kingdom, Oxford University press, Oxford and Community Development Journal, 41 (3), 277–292. King, M. L. Jr. (1963) Letter from Birmingham city jail, in J.M. Washington, ed., A Testament of Hope – The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr., Harper Collins, San Francisco. Knight, B. and Stokes, P. (1996) The Deficit in Civil Society, Foundation for Civil Society, Birmingham. Marris, P. and Rein, M. (1972) Dilemmas of Social Reform, Penguin Books Ltd., Harmandsworth, UK. Martin, I. (2003) {\textquoteleft}Inflections of “community” in educational work and research in Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning (CRLL){\textquoteright}, Experiential: community: work-based – research learning outside the academy, CRLL, Glasgow Caledonian University/University of Stirling. Mills, C.W. (1970) The Sociological Imagination, Pelican, Harmandsworth. Popple, K. (1995) Analysing Community Work: Its Theory and Practice, Open University Press/McGraw Hill Education, Maidenhead, UK. Sen, A. (2001) Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Shaw, M. (2007) Community development and the politics of community, Oxford University Press and Community Development Journal, 43 (1), 24–36. Sokol, M.,Wills, J., Anderson, J., Buckley, M., Evans, Y., Frew, C. and Hamilton, P. (2006) The Impact of Improved Pay and Conditions on Low-Paid Urban Workers; The Case of the Royal London Hospital, Queen Mary College, London. Warren, M. (2005) Communities and schools: a new view of urban education reform, Harvard Educational Review, 75 (2), 133–173.",
year = "2010",
month = jan,
doi = "10.1093/cdj/bsn034",
language = "English",
volume = "45",
pages = "111--127",
journal = "Community Development Journal",
issn = "0010-3802",
publisher = "Oxford University Press",
number = "1",