Bar Modelling and Autism – Sufficient or Necessary in Problem solving?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding (ISBN)peer-review


A significant driver for curriculum reform in England is based on performance in
international comparative assessments. One consequence of this, is the rise in the
use of the bar model, which is embedded within the Singapore mathematics
curriculum, in mathematical problem solving. Coupled with this, is the rise in the
number of pupils with autism in mainstream primary schools. This paper attempts
to explore the usefulness of the bar model as a tool to support autistic pupils with
mathematical problem solving. Qualitative comparative analysis is utilised in
order to provide an analysis of conditions, under which the bar model may be
sufficient, or necessary, to support such pupils within this domain. Findings from
the study hope to support educational practitioners to maximise the teaching and
learning opportunities for autistic pupils within mathematics.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationImagining Better Education
ISBN (Electronic) 978-0-907552-14-7
Publication statusPublished - 19 Mar 2019


  • autism
  • bar modelling
  • problem solving
  • qualitative comparative analysis


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