Audiovisual Alterity: Representing Ourselves and Others in Music Videos

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Drawing on a wide range of examples and case studies from a wide range of genres of popular music, Audiovisual Alterity explores the representation of “others” from marginalized, subaltern communities in music videos since the 1950s. This book continues the academic discussion regarding depictions of race, ethnicity, and gender in music videos, but also extends the conversation to include representations of Asians and Pacific Islanders, Indigenous communities, the LGBTQIA+ community, religious minorities, the incarcerated, and other “others.” It accounts for the expanding definition of “music video,” and examines depictions of alterity in both traditional music videos and those created for emerging and social media, such as online video-sharing sites and smartphone apps. It also includes analyses of several recent controversies involving cultural appropriation and the representations of culture, race, indigeneity, gender, class, sexuality, and sexual orientation in music videos. Further, it considers music videos in which “others” represent themselves, with their own voice, and on their own terms.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherOxford Univesity Press
Number of pages248
ISBN (Print)9780190277796, 9780190277789
Publication statusPublished - 12 Nov 2024

Publication series

PublisherOxford University Press


  • music videos
  • popular music
  • cultural appropriation
  • Orientalism
  • representation
  • race performance
  • gender
  • sexuality
  • Queer studies
  • religion in popular culture
  • Indigenous studies
  • prisoners


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