At the End of My Hands

Laura Haughey, Bill Hopkinson, Kylie Berry (Performer), Shaun Fahey (Performer), Joanne Klaver (Performer), Mihailo Ladjevac (Performer), Alex Lodge (Performer), Kelly Quirke (Performer)

    Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


    This devised original theatre piece explores stories about Deaf culture, communication and the unique history of Sign Language in New Zealand. It places both English and New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) on stage with equal emphasis. Performed with no formal interpretation between languages, the show is a series of sketches inspired by the possibilities in the performer own lives making their stories accessible to both Deaf and hearing audiences.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputDVD
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 1 May 2015
    EventAt the End of My Hands - Hamilton, New Zealand
    Duration: 1 May 2015 → …


    • NZSL
    • Deaf Theatre
    • Equal Voices Arts
    • DVD


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