Associations Between Demographic Variables, Psychosocial Health, Quality of Life, and Happiness in the Context of COVID-19

Amy K. Østertun Geirdal, Janni Leung, Daicia Price, Isaac Kabelenga, Gary Lamph, Hilde Thygesen, Mary R. Ruffolo, Tore Bonsaksen

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The purpose was to examine the association between demographic variables, psychosocial health, quality of life, and happiness in the context of COVID. The hypothesis was that psychosocial health variables have mediating roles between demographic variables and experienced quality of life (QoL) and happiness.

Cross-sectional surveys were conducted across four countries: Norway, USA, UK, and Australia among 1649 individuals. Multiple regression analysis identified those variables that made independent statistically contributions onto the QoL and happiness outcome variables, and the analysis of psychological distress, fatigue and loneliness as mediational variables was performed.

Not having a spouse/ partner was associated with poorer QoL, and older age was associated with lower happiness. The psychosocial health variables made the highest variance in QoL (R2 change = 0.51) and happiness (R2 change = 0.46) and poorer psychosocial health had a mediating role between civil status and QoL (p < 0.001) and between age and happiness outcomes (p < 0.001).

Psychosocial health is of considerable importance in individuals in the time of COVID-19.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-15
JournalApplied Research in Quality of Life
Early online date14 Nov 2023
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2023


  • COVID-19
  • Psychosocial Health
  • QoL
  • Happiness
  • Mediation


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