Introducing Arni and Narni, two brave souls facing a heart-wrenching loss—the disappearance of their beloved sheep, Sessile. Their unwavering determination leads them on a perilous odyssey, as they set out to liberate Sessile from the clutches of a fearsome beast that holds him captive. Along this treacherous path, they forge invaluable friendships that prove instrumental in their mission to reunite Sessile with his home on a farm nestled in the serene landscapes of Northern Ireland.
This captivating tale was inspired by the imaginative mind of Saffron Batke, then just a 4-year-old reception pupil at Bleak Hill Primary School. Saffron, who spends her holidays with her grandparents in Northern Ireland, harbors an ardent love for sheep and thrilling encounters with formidable dragons.
This captivating tale was inspired by the imaginative mind of Saffron Batke, then just a 4-year-old reception pupil at Bleak Hill Primary School. Saffron, who spends her holidays with her grandparents in Northern Ireland, harbors an ardent love for sheep and thrilling encounters with formidable dragons.
Original language | English |
Publisher | Amazon |
Number of pages | 49 |
ISBN (Print) | 979-8863848723 |
Publication status | Published - 10 Oct 2023 |