Application of microbial fuel cell technology for vinasse treatment and bioelectricity generation

Cristiane Angélica Ottoni, Marta Simoes, Jonas G. Santos, Luciana Peixoto, Cleiton R. Martins, Bruno P. Silva, Almir O. Neto, António G. Brito, Alfredo E. Maiorano

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17 Citations (Scopus)
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Objective Our study evaluated the performance of different two-chambered microbial fuel cell (MFC) prototypes, operated with variable distance between electrodes and Nafion membrane and specific inoculum concentration, applied for vinasse treatment. Results The performance of the developed MFC resulted in a maximum current density of 1200 mA m−2 and power density of 800 mW m−2 in a period of 61 days. MFC performed a chemical oxygen demand removal at a rate ranging from 51 to 60%. Conclusions Taking our preliminary results into consideration, we concluded that the MFC technology presents itself as highly promising for the treatment of vinasse.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBiotechnology Letters
Early online date15 Nov 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Nov 2018


  • Microbial fuel cell
  • Vinasse
  • Chemical oxygen demand
  • Bioelectricity


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