Anti-Disturbance Compensation-Based Nonlinear Control for a Class of MIMO Uncertain Nonlinear Systems

Wameedh Riyadh Abdul-Adheem, Ahmed Alkhayyat, Ammar K Al Mhdawi, NIKOLAOS BESSIS, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Ahmed Ibraheem Abdulkareem, Amjad J Humaidi, Arif A Al-Qassar

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Multi-Inputs-Multi-Outputs (MIMO) systems are recognized mainly in industrial applications with both input and state couplings, and uncertainties. The essential principle to deal with such difficulties is to eliminate the input couplings, then estimate the remaining issues in real-time, followed by an elimination process from the input channels. These difficulties are resolved in this research paper, where a decentralized control scheme is suggested using an Improved Active Disturbance Rejection Control (IADRC) configuration. A theoretical analysis using a state-space eigenvalue test followed by numerical simulations on a general uncertain nonlinear highly coupled MIMO system validated the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme in controlling such MIMO systems. Time-domain comparisons with the Conventional Active Disturbance Rejection Control (CADRC)-based decentralizing control scheme are also included.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1487
Issue number11
Early online date10 Nov 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 10 Nov 2021


  • uncertainties
  • output tracking
  • extended state observer
  • MIMO systems
  • subsystem couplings
  • nonlinear control
  • active disturbance rejection control
  • decentralized control


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