An investigation into specialty trainee engagement with e-learning

Jeremy Brown, NJ Shaw, Karen Kinloch

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    The objectives were firstly to determine Paediatric Specialty Trainees’ (ST) engagement with e-learning in Health Education England North West and the characteristics of sites accessed by STs. Secondly, to assess the quality of web interfaces being used and whether this aligns with the best evidence for e-learning provision. A two-phase mixed methods design was used; a scoping exercise to elicit STs preferred e-learning tools and a quality assessment of the named sites, and ST telephone interviews. 136 respondents identified 86 sites. Quality assessment found considerable variation across sites and a number of barriers to access, one issue being uncertainty about quality and validity of sites. E-learning is viewed as an integral part of both mandatory and speciality training but there is considerable variation in access and quality of sites. STs value the convenience and breadth of e-learning available but express concerns about assessing the validity and legitimacy of such sites.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)105-108
    JournalBritish Journal of Hospital Medicine
    Issue number2
    Early online date12 Feb 2019
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Feb 2019


    • Specialty Trainee
    • E-learning


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