Accuracy and Efficiency of Records Pediatric Early Warning Scores Using an Electronic Physiological Surveillance System Compared with Traditional Paper-Based Documentation.

Geri Sefton, Steven Lane, Roger Killen, Stuart Black, Max Lyon, Pearl Ampah, Cathryn Sproule, Dominic Loren-Gosling, Caitlin Richards, Jean Spinty, Colette Holloway, Coral Davies, April Wilson, Chung Shen Chean, Bernie Carter

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

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    Pediatric Early Warning Scores are advocated to assist health professionals to identify early signs of serious illness or deterioration in hospitalized children. Scores are derived from the weighting applied to recorded vital signs and clinical observations reflecting deviation from a predetermined “norm.” Higher aggregate scores trigger an escalation in care aimed at preventing critical deterioration. Process errors made while recording these data, including plotting or calculation errors, have the potential to impede the reliability of the score. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a controlled study of documentation using five clinical vignettes.Wemeasured the accuracy of vital sign recording, score calculation, and time taken to complete documentation using a handheld electronic physiological surveillance system, VitalPAC Pediatric, compared with traditional paper-based charts. We explored the user acceptability of both methods using a Webbased survey. Twenty-three staff participated in the controlled study. The electronic physiological surveillance system improved the accuracy of vital sign recording, 98.5% versus 85.6%, P < .02, Pediatric Early Warning Score calculation, 94.6% versus 55.7%, P < .02, and saved time, 68 versus 98 seconds, compared with paper-based documentation, P < .002. Twenty-nine staff completed the Webbased survey. They perceived that the electronic physiological surveillance system offered safety benefits by reducing human error while providing instant visibility of recorded data to the entire clinical team.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalCIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing
    Early online date9 Nov 2016
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 9 Nov 2016


    • e-Observations
    • Observation
    • Pediatric
    • VitalPAC
    • Vital signs


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