Access to Protection: Negotiating Rights and Diplomatic Assurances under Memoranda of Understanding

Mariagiulia Giuffre

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Protection challenges around the globe require innovative legal, policy and practical responses. Drawing primarily from a new generation of researchers in the field of refugee law, this volume explores the ‘boundaries’ of refugee law. On the one hand, it ascertains the scope of the legal provisions by highlighting new trends in State practice and analysing the jurisprudence of international human rights bodies, as well as national and international Courts. On the other hand, it marks the boundaries of refugee law as ‘legal frontiers’ whilst exploring new approaches and new frameworks that are necessary in order to address the emerging protection challenges.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationExploring the Boundaries of Refugee Law: Current Protection Challenges
EditorsJean Pierre Gauci, Mariagiulia Giuffre', Lilian Tsourdi
Number of pages350
ISBN (Print)9789004265578
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2015


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