Academic Integrity and the Dis-integration of Pedagogy

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This paper addresses the concept of academic integrity in higher education. While the emphasis in much literature relates to academic misconduct, this paper considers academic integrity in terms of pedagogical judgement by exploring how integrity is related, etymologically, to wholeness. It argues that where approaches to teaching and learning are prescribed – or proscribed – in pursuit of ‘teaching excellence’, pedagogical judgement is curtailed, resulting in a fragmentation or ‘dis-integration’ of pedagogy, and of academic integrity. These ideas are pursued through a reading of Andrzej Jakimowski’s, 2012 film, ‘Imagine’. While the film raises questions about pedagogical judgement and risk in education, the film’s denouement suggests that the integrity of the teacher is ineluctably bound to the extent to which s/he opens up the subject, and the world, to students, and so is also transformed. This approach to thinking about the integr-ous teacher develops Pádraig Hogan’s (2003) idea of teaching as a way of life with an integrity of its own, and Christiane Thompson’s (2015) reading of the film as imagining ways of engaging with the world. It concludes that the fragmentation of pedagogy is a denial of the teacher's integrity to open up the world. In this sense, the limits of pedagogy are a limiting of the world.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23-42
Number of pages20
JournalPhilosophy and Theory in Higher Education
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2021


  • academic integrity
  • misconduct
  • pedagogy
  • Imagine
  • wholeness


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