A re-assessment of the putative Carexflava agg. (Cyperaceae) hybrids at Malham Tam (v.c. 64): A morphometric, analysis

N. Blackstock, P. A. Ashton

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review


    Carexflava L., a rare species in the British Isles, is currently only recognised from one extant population. The presence of three putative C. flava x C. viridula Michx. subsp. brachyrrhyncha (Celak.) B. Schmid hybrid (= C. x alsatica Zahn.) populations suggests that it may have formerly been more widespread. Altemative taxonomic treatments have been considered populations, including the possibility that they could be C. flava sttbsp. jemtlandica (Palmgr.) P. D. Sell, a Fennoscandian taxon not previously recorded in this country. Uniand multivariate statistical analyses were used to elucidate the taxonomic affinity of the largest of these pgpulations. A new combination C. flava slbsp. jemtlandica to C. viridula Michx. subsp. brachyrrhyncha (Celak.) B. Schmid var. jemtlandica (Palmgr.) Blackstock & P. A. Ashton, is made to bring the nomenclatue of this taxon in line with the current nomenclature of this group. The presence of a second extant population of C. flava in the British Isles is also reported.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)505-516
    JournalWatsonia: Journal of the Botanical Society of the British Isles
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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